16 augustus 2021:
After spending three weeks with Anu de Rooden at the Casa de Nepal in the Sierra Norte de Guadalajara, I have to say that I keep a lot of international experience and I have never tried a meal like the one Anu cooks. In addition to the variety in the preparation of the dishes, their exquisite presentation and a totally extraordinary composition of flavors, you can see the infinite love that Anu is putting in her passion for cooking.
On the other hand, I have had the opportunity to attend several therapy sessions with Tibetan bowls, the therapeutic feeling received has been very comforting and restorative for me.
To all this we must include her lessons in mandala painting, her extraordinary and original way of carrying them out and the meaning of them. I also appreciate the transfer of knowledge regarding many ancient mantras and songs of the Himalayan culture.
Thanks also to Anu for the yoga and breathing sessions learned this time. Without a doubt, given my extensive sports career, they have helped me to increase my lung capacity, flexibility and clear my mind and body.
Finally, I want to convey from here my enormous respect to her person and the development and commitment that she puts into her activities. Thank you very much Anu for everything you have taught me. We will meet again. Namaste.
Signed: Agustín Quirós, Spain
6 januari 2021:
Ik volg met heel veel plezier de yogalessen bij Anu. In de lessen is veel aandacht voor de spirituele kant van yoga en de daarbij behorende technieken. Je kunt merken dat Anu de door haar gegeven yogavorm zelf goed heeft doorleefd en haar eigen weg heeft gevonden. Hierdoor geeft zij heel goed allerlei aanwijzingen. Dit doet zij op een rustige en zorgvuldige wijze met veel aandacht voor details. Ik raad iedereen aan om yogalessen bij Anu te volgen als je de behoefte hebt om je verder in yoga te verdiepen waarbij yoga meer is dan alleen op het lichaam gerichte oefeningen. Het maakt hierbij niet uit of je een beginner of gevorderde bent. Anu is in staat om de aanwijzingen te laten aansluiten bij waar jij bent en waarin jezelf verder kunt ontwikkelen. Stapje voor stapje.
Martien van den Berg
2 januari 2021:
Eind vorig jaar liep ik behoorlijk tegen mezelf aan. Toevallig (en gelukkig) ontmoette ik Anu bij een klankschaalmeditatie. Ik was positief verbaasd over de energie van de klankschalen en de zang, die op een milde manier doorwerkte en mij gedurende de dagen daarna dieper in het nu liet zijn.
Ik besloot daarna om ook een-op-een met Anu te werken, in zowel begeleide klankschaalmeditatie als ademhalingsoefening. Met Anu´s aandacht en verbindende energie, lukt het me, om heelheid en vertrouwen in mezelf te hervinden. Ik ben Anu hiervoor dankbaar en vier onze samenwerking tot dusver!
Shekib Omran,
Zorg professional en trainer Geweldloze Communicatie
9 november 2020:
Soms heb je een (externe) impuls nodig om je weer te herinneren Wie je Werkelijk bent, dat is wat je me hebt gegeven met de klankschalen Anu, tigge mal Dank (duizend maal dank),
hartelijke groet
September 2015:
I wish to express a few thoughts about my good friend Anu, in regards to the spiritual counseling, teaching and work she has done with me in the past, as a testimonial.
The truth is there is so much she has done that I could write pages and pages. I doubt even she realizes how much a little help from her has done marvels to improve my spiritual condition.
Let me give you a very brief account of my past. I have been involved in a spiritual quest since my teen-age years. Often, this has been rather subliminal but it was the true course of my entire life: understanding myself better and becoming aware of my abilities as a spiritual being. Throughout my adolescence, and later adult life, this has brought me to study a great number of bodies of knowledge and undergo various experiences, which often were overwhelming and, at times, have brought me to very low emotional states. Needless to say, these have had an effect on the way I viewed life and reacted to it.
A few years ago, in November 2013, I was let go from my job and I was looking towards a very dry spell in terms of money and productivity. I knew I needed something to keep my head from going under. Lucky for me, I knew Anu. She and I had been colleagues for a few years and we had briefly talked about our spiritual paths. We soon found out we had a lot in common in terms of how we viewed the world. Furthermore, I knew she could help me keep myself from losing hope and descending into depression.
Anu to me always seemed like a palm tree in a storm: she might bend but she would never break. In a sea of confusion, she often was the only one who could provide me with a stable datum, using just a few words. It was not what she would say that was particularly special, it was how she said it.
She has an aura of calmness about her that immediately puts you at ease and focuses your attention on how to become a problem-solver, rather than "a person with a problem". Her viewpoint in life is simple and direct. Let her tell you about it. It is this simplicity that makes a difference. It sure made a difference with me.
There are two data that anyone who wishes to better his lifestyle must understand: 1) The spiritual governs the physical; one who wishes to become cause over his immediate environment must be in the appropriate state of mind. 2) The simplest truth is the most powerful truth, the simplest solution is the most applicable solution and the simplest datum is the most revealing; Any added complexity to that truth, solution or datum adds upsets, difficulties and confusion to the situation.
Working with Anu, I saw she very much works with that frame of mind. It is why I have followed her teachings and practices and, to this day, no matter what comes my way, deep down I am serene that I will be able to face up to my problems in life.
This is probably the greatest help and assistance anyone can give another person. Anu does not solve your problems. She puts you in a frame of mind where you can do so by yourself.
Talk to her, listen to her and learn from her and... may you grow spiritually.
Humbly Tendered,
Flavio Pernarella, Torino, Italy
Augustus 2013
I had the pleasure of working with Anu de Rooden in August 2013. She is knowledgeable and confident in so many areas of nutrition and wellness. Her calm demeanor and positive attitude are so encouraging. I recommend Anu for any area of nutritional counseling as well as physical and spiritual well being.
Fallston MD, USA